SonarQube 10.6 released

Hi all,

Sonar is proud to announce the release of SonarQube 10.6, which simplifies the analysis of C/C++ projects and supports auto-scaling in Kubernetes. Details in the official announcement and in the newly introduced Release Notes.

In addition, there are a few other items to note in the release:

  • We’ve incorporated Release Notes into the documentation, which outline the main features and improvements of new releases. Also, you’ll now find a page that lists the features being deprecated and removed with the releases.
  • You no longer need to update your pipelines that use the CLI and NPM scanners with a specific version of the JRE.
  • The use of the Build Wrapper or Compilation Database is also no longer required to analyze most C and C++ projects. The analysis is automatically configured and supports most compilers and build configurations.
  • Thanks to your feedback about the deprecated ability to customize a rule’s severity, with the Enterprise Edition and above, you can now prioritize specific rules within a quality profile and set a dedicated condition to fail the quality gate if any associated issues are detected in the overall code.

You’ll find more details in the upgrade notes and full details in the full release notes. Please open new threads for any questions you have about these or other features.

As usual, download is available at Docker images are also available on Docker Hub.
