SonarLint VS Code for SoarQube version 6.7.4

For some reason, in my organization SonarQube version 6.7.4 is used and i am unable to connect SonarLint VS code to Sonar Qube server.
getting error - Failed to get notifications: 404, {“errors”:[{“msg”:“Unknown url : /api/developers/search_events”}]}

The URL should be instead “/api/issues/search”

I have only configured Sonar server URL and project key … the rest of URL is not configured by me.

  1. Any way to configure the full URL in sonar Lint ?
  2. Any earlier version of SonarLint supports SonarQube version 6.7.x ?

Any leads would be highly appreciated.

Connect from VS Code for JavaScrpit

SonarLint v3.1.0

Hello, welcome to the community! And thank you for your question.

As stated in the README for version 3.1.0, current versions of SonarLint for VSCode are only compatible with SonarQube 7.9+ (a.k.a the previous LTS).

The last version of SonarLint for VSCode that supports SonarQube 6.7.x is 1.22.0 from May 2021. You should be able to install it and pin it in VSCode, using the “Install another version…” menu.

As a final note, I strongly encourage your organization to update to the current LTS of SonarQube (8.9.3 as of writing) - and yes, I know it can be hard to update sometimes :slight_smile:

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