SonarLint for VsCode isn't working at all

Hello I’m using version 1.36.1 of Visual Studio Code with SonarLint plugin 1.9.0 installed. It’s chaotic, it doesn’t work almost at all. Is this plugin still compatible with visual studio code or not ?

This is an example of my configuration

userSettings of SonarLint:

“”: “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2”,

"sonarlint.connectedMode.servers": [
        "serverId": "sonar_server", // Connection identifier
        "serverUrl": "https:*****",   // SonarQube/SonarCloud URL - https// for SonarCloud
        "token": "****"    // User token - generated in SonarQube/SonarCloud in My Account>Security



This is my Workspace Sonarlint settings:

“sonarlint.connectedMode.project”: {
“serverId”: “sonar_server”,
“projectKey”: “*******”

After this configuration, this plugin shows success message of Sonarlint storage updated… However, it doesn’t show any kind of errors I have configured as part of the quality profiles of a project within the SonarQube server… It usually doesn’t work at all, sometimes it shows an error but it’s completely unreliable.

Is this mistake on my side or is this plugin just not being updated for vs code anymore?

Hello Patrik, thank you for your feedback. Please rest assured that SonarLint for VS Code is still alive and kicking, version 1.10.0 got published last month and 1.11.0 is slated to be released later this month.

In order to understand what doesn’t work at all with your setup, we would need a bit more information, such as:

  • the language(s) you use (for instance, Java and C# are currently not supported at all in SonarLint for VSCode)
  • the version of the SonarQube server you’re connecting to
  • which language analyzers (and versions) are installed on your server
  • the expected vs observed behavior

In the event that you spot error messages, the contents of the SonarLint output console could prove valuable in the investigation.