SonarLint unable to report issues

  • Versions used (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
    Intellij Idea Community 2019.3.1
    SonarLint plugin
    Intellij Idea running on OpenJDK 64-bit by JetBrains
    SonarQube server 6.7.4 (build 38452)

  • Error observed -
    When i try to scan the entire project, it does not complain about any error. Whereas when the build via Jenkins and the code is scanned on the SonarQube server, it detects that there are 9 bugs.
    My server is behind a proxy server. However it could connect to the SonarQube server and also fetch the bindings.

  • Steps to reproduce - Run a scan.

  • Potential workaround - Disable the connectivity to SonarQube server. Then it works fine.

  • Scanner command used when applicable (private details masked) - Not applicable

  • In case of SonarCloud:

    • ALM used - Private Bitbucket
    • CI system used - Jenkins pipeline

That’s a mighty old version of SonarJava! You should upgrade to the latest version compatible with SonarQube v6.7 LTS (and keep in mind the minimum supported version of SonarQube is now v7.9 LTS. Time to upgrade!)

What are those bugs? Screenshots are great.

I have placed a request for upgrade, to the IT team. I will get back to you on whether it fixed the problem or not.

Thanks for your suggestion.

No promises it will, but it’s a good start!