Sonarlint report analysis on Sonarqube server

Hello, I downloaded sonarlint plugin for IntelliJ and connected with my SonarQube server. When i run sonarlint analysis for my project ,my sonarQube server does not updated. I have to run sonar-scanner from cmd and get the latest results. I know that the connection between sonarlint and sonarqube server binds the rules from the server to the local analysis but how can the the server get the reports on every local analysis so as not to run sonnar-scanner again?
Could you please help me to solve this issue?

Hello, thank you for your question.

It is not meant to work this way.

SonarLint is an IDE extension for instant feedback to developers, and it won’t replace the SonarQube scanner.

Thanks for the reply @JBL_SonarSource

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