SonarLint - Deactivate specific Cobol rules

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • IDE name and flavor/env: IBM IDz 14.2.2
  • SonarLint plugin version: 6.2.0
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): Connected to SonarQube (8.9.6)

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
I’m trying to analyze a Cobol program using SonarLint. I established connection and binded it to a SQ project. I’m trying to de-activate certain rules during SonarLint Analysis. I’m able to see De-activate option listed when i right click on an issue from the SonarLint Report view. But the rule is not getting de-activated. As Cobol rules are not listed in under preferences - “Rules Configuration”, i can’t deactivate through preferences. Please help.

Hi @Ramapriya. You are using Connected Mode, so you should configure the rules in Quality Profile on the server.

FYI the “Rules Configuration” section in SonarLint only applies to analysis in standalone mode.
Cobol analysis is only available in Connected Mode, which is why Cobol is not listed in the SonarLint “Rules Configuration” section.

Thanks a lot Duncan. Got it.

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