SonarLint - Cobol Analysis

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • SonarLint plugin version: SonarLint for Eclipse
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Cobol
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):
      Sonarqube 8.9.8
      And a thorough description of the problem / question:
      I am trying to run Sonarlint analysis on eclipse through connected mode on my cobol project and it doesn’t show any results. However, the scan produces result on Sonarqube.


Welcome to the community!

Your version of SonarQube and SonarLint are both quite old. Additionally, your specific version of SonarLint is not one we published, so I’m not sure where you got it.

Can you upgrade to current versions and see if this is still replicable?

For SonarQube, your upgrade path is:

8.9.8 → 9.9.2 → 10.2.1 (last step optional)

You may find these resources helpful:

If you have questions about upgrading, feel free to open a new thread for that here.


Thank you for your response. I rechecked and the Sonarlint version I mentioned earlier to be right

What version of Sonarlint do you think will fix this issue?


Hi Krithiga,

You need to upgrade both SonarQube and SonarLint. Choose the latest version of SonarLint.


Hi Ann,
We are not able to upgrade SonarQube due to certification delays within the organization. However, we switched to SonarLint version, and are still facing the same issue. We cannot upgrade to the latest versions due to certification delays like mentioned earlier. Do you have any workaround for us? Thanks!

Hi @Krithix,

I’m assuming you are using an Eclipse-based IDE that runs on Java 8? In this case, SonarLint, the version you are using, is the latest one we have in stock for Java 8.

After that, we moved to Java 11 and therefore we don’t support this old SonarLint versions anymore. The only option for you is to update the IDE to Java 11 which will then be able to run the latest version of SonarLint which is compatible with SonarQube 8.9+.


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