Sonarlint are not binding whith sonarqube

Hi team, I’m new here and i would like help to solve one probleme with the sonarlint and sonarqube.

When I connect the sonarlint with sonarqube using Visual Studio, i don’t have problem, but when i bind the project with sonar, i receive the falow message:

Failed to bind the solution to SonarQube project, try again.
See more information in the output window (SonarLint).


Welcome to the community!

I don’t understand the distinction you’re making between Sonar and SonarQube. Also, what does the output window show?


Hi, Ann sorry, I was bit clear.

I am using the visual studio 2022, I conect it to sonarqube using the sonarlint, but when I try to bind the project, i can’t do this, the message of failured apear.

I will send the output.


Ann, segue o output do visual studio:

No open solution or folder

Settings file does not exist at "C:\Users\rtv\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".

Default settings will be used

Current VS version:

    Visual Studio Professional 2022



Initializing the telemetry package...

Finished initializing the telemetry package...

Initializing the daemon package...

Finished initializing the daemon package.

No open solution or folder

[Open in IDE] Creating request listener...

[Open in IDE] Checking availability of port 64120

[Open in IDE] Request listener created successfully. Listening on port 64120.

Initializing the SonarLint package...

Finishing initializing the SonarLint package

Initializing the notifications package...

Not connected: not checking for notifications

Finished initializing the notifications package

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs, analysis time: 0,592s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs, analysis time: 0,67s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

Saving notifications settings...

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs, analysis time: 0,686s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs, analysis time: 0,737s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs, analysis time: 0,697s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

Saving notifications settings...

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs, analysis time: 0,568s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json, analysis time: 0,002s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json

Connecting to SonarQube server: https://sonarqube.energisa.corp/

Connecting to SonarQube server: Validating credentials

Connecting to 'https://sonarqube.energisa.corp/'.

Connected to SonarQube ''.

Connecting to SonarQube server: Detecting server plugins

   Discovered a supported plugin: Plugin: 'SonarC#', Language(s): 'C#', Installed version: '8.43.0', Minimum version: '5.0'

   Discovered a supported plugin: Plugin: 'SonarVB', Language(s): 'VB.NET', Installed version: '8.43.0', Minimum version: '3.0'

   Discovered a supported plugin: Plugin: 'SonarJS', Language(s): 'JavaScript, TypeScript', Installed version: '9.6.0', Minimum version: '8.6'

   Discovered an unsupported plugin: Plugin: 'SonarSecrets', Language(s): 'Secrets', Installed version: '1.1.0', Minimum version: '2.0.1'

Connecting to SonarQube server: Retrieving projects

Connecting to SonarQube server: Succeeded

Connecting to SonarQube server: Downloading server settings.

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

[NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH

[NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set

[NodeJsLocator] Found compatible Node.js version: 16.14.0. Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs\node.exe

[NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH

[NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Saving notifications settings...

[NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH

[NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set

[NodeJsLocator] Found compatible Node.js version: 16.14.0. Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs\node.exe

[NodeJSLocator] Checking environment variable SONAR_NODEJS_PATH

[NodeJsLocator] Environment variable is not set

Saving notifications settings...

Saving notifications settings...

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

File changed: C:\Users\rtv\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json. Change type: Created

Loaded settings from "C:\Users\rtv\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json".

User settings have changed. Open documents will be re-analysed.

Starting job: "re-analyzing 3 document(s)...". Time: 18:52:53

Finished job "re-analyzing 3 document(s)..." started at 18:52:53. Elapsed time: 18ms

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json, analysis time: 0,013s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Deploy\mongoDb.json

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs, analysis time: 0,683s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\APIs\AtendimentoEndpoints\Clientes.cs

[SecretsAnalyzer] Finished analyzing C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs, analysis time: 0,602s

[SecretsAnalyzer] Found 0 issue(s) for C:\Nova Arquitetura\Repos\ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento\Features\ApiAtendimento\ClientesFeature.cs

Saving notifications settings...

Establishing new binding...

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Started

Binding solution to SonarQube project: Discovering solution projects

   Included projects:

   * None (for selected SonarQube project's quality profile)

   Excluded projects:

   * ApiAtendimento\ApiAtendimento.csproj

   You can change the exclusion options via the SonarLint project-level context menu i.e. Solution Explorer -> Select project(s)

Ann this file C:\Users\rtv\AppData\Roaming\SonarLint for Visual Studio\settings.json". is in the right place asked for.



Thanks for the log. One more question: what are your SonarLint and SonarQube versions?


Hi ann, I thanks for you help.

SonarLint: 6.140.065870

that is the version we use.

Thanks again


Your SonarLint version is up to date, but your SonarQube version has some age on it. SonarQube 9.9 LTS is the current version & officially, previous versions are no longer supported.

And we’ve done a lot of work on SonarLint/SonarQube connectivity in the 9-series. Could you upgrade your SonarQube instance and try again?


Hi Ann, thanks for your return.

Ann, this issues happens in some machines (two to be more exact), in one universe of 200 devs, we are study to becomes this tool more eficient possible. but we should do one study for this change in the sonarqube.

Do you have some direction for this moment for this issue especificaly??

What would be this problem??


1 Like


Can you help us narrow this down with the commonalities between those two problem machines versus the 198 that work?
