SonarLint often hangs IDEA when committing

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 11 Pro
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • IntelliJ version: IDEA 2024.1.4 Ultimate
  • Programming language you’re coding in: multiple
  • Is connected mode used: no

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
The same as described here:

I had to disable the plugin because if the problem occurs it blocks IDEA completely so that I have to kill it.

Hello @esofn, thank you for your feedback. I investigated the case and decided to provide a fix for this release. The UI should not be blocked anymore, and the analysis should be cancellable if it hangs for any reason. You can track the progress here. It should normally be part of our release this week.

Hey @esofn, we have just released SonarLint version 10.8 which should provide a fix to your issue. Could you please try it and see if the issue persists? Thank you!

Thanks. I have reactivated the plugin and will give feedback after I’ve used it for a while.

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