SonarLint 10.4.2: analysis hanging with newer plugin-versions in IntelliJ

Please provide

  • Operating system: 22H2 Build 19045.4170
  • SonarLint plugin version: All versions above
  • Programming language you’re coding in: Java / Typescript
  • Is connected mode used:
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version):
      SonarQube: 10.2.1 (build 78527)
      IntelliJ 2023.3.6
      And a thorough description of the problem / question:

After updating to a newer version above every sonar lint task is hanging in IntelliJ
and it will acummulate over time and not be finished. See pic:

Is this already known ?

Thank you for your help.


Welcome to the community and thanks for this report!

We released 10.4.2 this week, and it should address this problem. Can you upgrade and see if this is still replicable, please?


I’ve tried this today already together with a colleague.
No change, issue was still present for us both.

We used with IntelliJ 2023.3.6 and 2024.1 RC.

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Thanks for trying. I’ve flagged this for the team.


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Hi @dalemb, thank you for the update, and sorry to hear that SonarLint 10.4.2 did not solve your issue.

To help us investigate the issue more deeply, could you please provide more information about your project? How many modules are there? Is it a large project?

Also, could you please make and attach the following thread dumps while the analysis are stuck:

  • one from Intellij
  • one for the backend of SonarLint service; That can be done by, e.g., running the jps command from the console to find the id of the JVM process for SonarLintServerCli and then making a dump with jstack <id>

In the meantime, we will keep on investigating this.

Hi nicolas.quinquenel,
apologies for the delayed reply as I was on leave.
It has about 20 modules and is a very large project.

I’ll try to upload the thread dumps, but I need to switch to a newer sonar version again.
I use a downgrade to version as a workaround.
I’ll inquire about the server logs as well, since I don’t have the rights for it.

Thank you for your help !

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Thank you for your reply. We identified a scenario that we missed that could make the synchronization slow. The improvements will be included in the next release, which will happen in the following weeks, and we look forward to your feedback.

Thank you for using SonarLint :sonarlint:

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And the new version has been released, could you please update and give it a try? Thanks

First impression looks good, the hanging tasks are gone.
I’m currently still on IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.6.
I’ll give an update once I’ve the newer version from IntelliJ running.

Thank you for the continued updates !

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3 posts were split to a new topic: SonarLint 10.5: File system cache errors cause crash

After a shutting down the laptop and starting it the next morning,
the Sonar PlugIn spawned around 400+ tasks.
It resolved itself after a while and so far that is the only noticable difference to version

Thank you again for the update and support !