SonarCloud not updating GitHub quality checks


Our GitHub checks on pull requests are not being updated by SonarCloud

  • The quality gate analysis are actually triggered after each commit
  • However, the GitHub check reads “SonarCloud Code Analysis Expected — Waiting for status to be reported”
  • Issue is intermittent but happing more frequently over past 1-2 weeks


  • Make new commits, but this does not always resolve the issue
  • PR merging is blocked unless we disable the check or get someone to force-merge

Our team is on a Paid plan. Here’s an example of an impacted pull request and analysis, I can provide more details via direct message.

analysisId: "AZBQuspgwAP8-Lpq7S7S"
project: "REDACTED"
pullRequest: "485"
status: "completed"
updatedAt: "2024-06-25T18:48:58.051Z"


Other users seem to be having the same issue, see Cloud analysis of github stopped working

Hey @pspensieri

I have a feeling that GitHub has been less reliable lately. We rely on things like Webhooks to trigger Automatic Analysis (the issue the other user is facing), and of course, we call GitHub’s API to post a status check.

That said, that’s just speculation. I’ll reach out for some private details so I can check in the backend if we tried to decorate your PR.

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