SonarCloud - not able to add new member

I am an administrator at our organization. Previously I was able to add members, but now I am not allowed. When I click in the search box I get: ‘No results found’. My colleague, who is both admin and owner, is allowed to do this.


Welcome to the community!

Do you see any errors in your browser console log?

Are you comfortable sharing your login publicly?


Not sure what to look after in the log. You ment the Developer tools?
I’m not able to share my login


Yes, I mean the console log in the browser Developer tools.


can you guide me to where I shall go? Can I add a picture?


For me in Chrome, it’s under the three vertical dots → More tools → Developer tools.


I found the log. Thats not the problem. But where to look? It’s a lot in the log


So, to recap:

  • You’re able to access the ‘Members’ menu
  • You can see and click on ‘Add a member’
  • When you search for a user you get “No results found”
  • There are no errors in the browser console.


And are you searching for users by their full email addresses? When you and your colleague search for the same user, using the same email address, your colleague finds the email and you come up blank?


I’m able to access the Member meny. Then I click on 'Add a member. The box pops up, and without typing anything I get the message ‘No results found’. The tab is in the search box. There is nothing in the list. I have tryed to seach for a spesific user(full email), but still the same error, and nothing in the list. If I start typing, nothing in the list.
My colleague can se a list, and seach in it. I was able to do the same, but thats some month ago. I’m in the same groups as my colleague. Members and Owners. The only different is that he was the one that created the Organisastion. Is it possible that this happend when you changed the Plans?


Thanks for the clarification. I’ve flagged this for more expert eyes.


Hello @kristel,

Welcome to the community.

I will reach out to you in private to get more information.


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As discussed in private thread, you should search by email to add the user to the organization. Searching by username will not work.

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