SonarCloud IP ranger

Hey guys,
We are integrating SonarCloud with our Jenkins in order to provide good CI/CD in our system. For security reasons we cannot make our Jenkins public to the entire internet, so we need just a set of IP ranges that SonarCloud uses to whitelist them.

Could somebody provide me with those IP ranges or provide me some ideas/guidance on how to do that integration?

Best regards,
Stefan Angelov

Hey there.

SonarCloud does not have fixed IP address ranges.

At this time, this is still the case.

… and: SonarCloud will only communicate back to your Jenkins instance in order to send a webhook to indicate Quality Gate status, which is an optional step (alternatively you can use the sonar.qualitygate.wait=true analysis parameter). So as long as your Jenkins instance can reach out to SonarCloud, you may be just fine.

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Hey @Stefan_Angelov .

SonarCloud does now provide fixed public IP addresses.

Read more here: