SonarCloud Global Settings?

We are in the process of evaluating SonarCloud and I am unable to find an area to define global settings… is that a thing in SonarCloud?

For instance, if I go to one of my projects, there is an “Administration -> General Settings” option were I can specify source code exclusions or pull request analysis settings. Many of these settings are global to all of our projects, however, I can not find where those can be set globally. Am I missing something?

Our on-prem Sonar allows me to define - for instance - the GitHub Api Endpoint for all projects.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


Hi Chris,

I confirm that settings can not be defined on organisation level for the time being. That would be a nice improvement that I hope will be implemented soon.

For this specific example please note that SonarCloud targets projects from only. It’s not planned to support Github Enterprise instances.


@simon.brandhof What’s the status on supporting global analyzer settings for SonarCloud? Managing common settings across the entire organization is a much needed feature. Doing this with files in each repo is getting obtuse; especially when you want the same sonar.issue.ignore.allfile and sonar.issue.ignore.block settings to be used across all projects.


Please vote for/follow this ticket to track progress of this feature. No ETA for now.


Should I be able to click on the ticket mentioned in Benoit’s comment linked here?

I’m trying to setup a global ignore rules for the org and noticed that the documentation mentions “General Settings” but still not seeing that option at the Organization level.

What is the status of this? I’m not able to access the ticket linked by Benoit.

+1. This seems like an obvious feature and given the fact it’s there in SonarQube already I can’t imagine it needs a giant amount of work to expose it in SonarCloud.
It’s frustrating that you’re relying on a system of votes on Jira tickets that no one can open.