Sonarcloud build status is shown in some bitbucket Pull Request and not in others

Sonarcloud build status is shown in some bitbucket Pull Request and not in others.

In both the cases quality gateway is passed

Basically our aim to not merge in case quality gates are not passed, but I could find any branch restrictions for this, if the Sonarcloud build status is shown then we have have a check for successful build and stop merging.

Are these pull requests on the same project, or different ones? Do you see the pull request analysis (for all PRs, whether you see the build status in Bitbucket or not) in Pull Requests section of your SonarCloud project?

Hi Colin Thank you for responding. All these PRs are from same project and for all these PRs we have Quality gates being executed successfully as we can see this in both BitBucket and SonarCloud. Its just for some of the PR we can see SonarCloud in the “Build Passed” and some of them it is not seen. Not sure where I can find this configuration.

I’ll reach out by DM for some additional information