Bitbucket build status not being updated after analysis

I’m using SonarCloud with Bitbucket Pipelines, using the latest SonarCloud “pipe” to run the analysis step. The issue I’m having is that we never get a build status update from SonarCloud after analysis, I always see “1 of 1 passed” (i.e. the build itself), never “2 of 2 passed” (the build + sonar).

I’ve tried deleting the project from SonarCloud and re-importing it and I’ve tried uninstalling the Bitbucket SonarCloud plugin from the Bitbucket side and reinstalling it with no success. I’ve seen this feature working a few months ago but I may have been using the 3rd party plugin from Mibex Software at the time…

Our SonarCloud organisation is “jucygroup” and the project key I’m looking at is “jucygroup_jucy-integrations”.

Hi Kevin,
Can you share the analysis log from Bitbucket Pipelines pipe step and bitbucket-pipelines.yml content (feel free to anonymize anything you don’t feel comfortable posting)?

Also, if the build status wasn’t updated you should see a warning in SonarCloud UI on the branch/PR you tried to analyse. If it is displayed, can you paste the content of the warning?