Sonarcloud: authorized problem on a forked Open Source Project

Hi all:

I’m tryting to integrate SonarCloud with Travis CI on an Apache open source project.

The project is Apache Kylin and it is a maven project. I forked it into my own github organization and relate with my Travis account. Then I modify my own organization and secure token parameters in .travis.yml according to document.

The Travis CI was successfully triggered after I pushed my code. But the sonar was occured a problem in Travis CI. Here is the related log:

Hi Lijun,

You need to set up the project in SonarCloud first (click on the top “+ > Analyze new project” menu and follow the steps) so that SonarCloud gives you a project key for your own repository. Follow every step until you arrive on the SonarCloud home page for your project: a tutorial will be displayed, select “Java > Maven” and you will see that the command you need to run includes a -Dsonar.projectKey=xxx parameter. You will need to pass it on the command line when launching the analysis in the Travis YML file.