SonarCloud and BitBucket Integration: You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator

The integration between BitBucket and SonarCloud resulted in the following error during the pipeline run. All the integration instruction from SonarCloud was followed to integrate a repo.

17:26:41.990 INFO: Load project repositories
17:26:42.085 DEBUG: GET 403<our-key-masked-here>&branch=master | time=95ms
17:26:42.096 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17:26:42.096 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17:26:42.096 INFO: Total time: 31.596s
17:26:42.170 INFO: Final Memory: 21M/94M
17:26:42.170 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17:26:42.170 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
17:26:42.170 ERROR: You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.
17:26:42.170 ERROR: Caused by: You're not authorized to run analysis. Please contact the project administrator.
17:26:42.170 ERROR: 
17:26:42.170 ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
✖ SonarCloud analysis failed.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi @Sivasubramaniam_Arun,

Welcome to our community!

Can you check that the user performing the analysis have the right to execute the analysis?
(Administration of the org -> permissions, check either the user has the Execute Analysis right or check that the group the user belongs to have the correct right)


Using admin rights solved the issue. Thanks.

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For me, not authorized error got solved after generating new token in SONAR (Sonarcloud->Account->Myaccount->Security->Enter token name->Generate->Copy the token) and configure the generated token in bibucket with environment variable named SONAR_TOKEN for the bitbucket repository. Delete any old SONAR_TOKEN configured in bitbucket. Previous token configured was revoked by someone and it resulted in not authorized error.