Please check the properties Sonar.login & Sonar.password

While decorating the bitbucket with Sonarcloud analysis, i’m facing the following error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project : Not authorized. Please check the properties sonar.login and sonar.password. -> [Help 1]

Our Bitbucket-pipeline.yml template:


  1. This error is occurring after the build was successful
  2. We have declared Sonar token and its value in the repository level
  3. Enabled Bibucket pipipeline in repository level

Hello @Sudhir,

Did you name the environment variable SONAR_TOKEN?
I just tried the sample project myself and I was not able to reproduce your problem.


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Hi All,
I have the same issue now although followed the same steps mentioned .
Could you please help?