Sonar Scanner - Pull Request decoration failed: Unable to contact Azure DevOps server, got an unexpected response

  • versions used (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)

SonarQube Developer Edition 9.3 (Docker)
container (7).log (8.0 KB)

  • error observed (wrap logs/code around triple quote ``` for proper formatting)

Getting error when trying to push the Pull Request decoration information… This has been working fine until today.

2022.03.31 13:40:37 WARN  ce[AX_gNL6UXGpFHIXZijlU][c.s.F.D.D.C] Pull Request decoration failed: Unable to contact Azure DevOps server, got an unexpected response 
  • steps to reproduce

Execute any Pull request workflow

  • potential workaround

None found other than manually overrideing PR’s…


Unfortunately - as you’ve seen - our logging isn’t great for Azure, so this is going to be difficult. Can you double-check your global settings (Administration → DevOps Platform Integrations → Azure DevOps). You should see a ‘Check configuration’ button, which is an easy first step.
