And a thorough description of the problem / question:
Issue: sonarLint don’t show lint errors after few minutes (say 5minutes) of opening the IntelliJ and then the sonarLint is auto-enabled.
When I see the logs in the beginning it shows below and able to show the sonar lint errors.
starting eslint-bridge server at port 63685
eslint-bridge server is running at port 63685
Starting server (done) | time=3761ms
After few minutes it shows below
Skipping the start of eslint-bridge server as it failed to start during the first analysis or it’s not answering anymore
No rules will be executed
Hit the cache for 0 out of 0
Miss the cache for 0 out of 0
At this point IntellIJ hangs and even scrolling through file takes time. I’m suspecting this due to the memory usage ( I’m assuming this because when I view the sonarlint dumps in /Users/MAC_USER/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2021.2/tmp/sonarlint I observe bunch of sonarlint files with around 150MB each.)
. please correct me if I’m missing something and let me know if you have experienced this before.
I have a similar problem with one of our large projects.
It works for a little bit and then stops working until restarting the IDE.
The issue for me is it is running out of memory, however when I add to my file sonar.javascript.node.maxspace=8192
it doesn’t take effect.
The logs still show
Running in SonarLint context, metrics will not be computed.
Using Node.js executable C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe from property sonar.nodejs.executable.
Checking Node.js version
Launching command C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe -v
Using Node.js v16.19.1.
Launching command C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\JetBrains\WebStorm2023.2\tmp\sonarlint\.sonarlinttmp_14988807921629517294\bridge-bundle\package\bin\server 55353 C:\myproject true true false
Memory configuration: OS (65458 MB), Node.js (4144 MB).
Starting the bridge server
The bridge server is listening on port 55353
The worker thread is running
Starting heartbeat service
Starting server (done) | time=3092ms
Is the sonar.javascript.node.maxspace config option still being used by SonarLint?
Might there be something else stopping it from starting node with my specified memory limit?