Sonar is failing only in master branch

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension):
    SonarQube: Enterprise Edition Version 8.4.2
    Plugin: org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:

  • what are you trying to achieve:
    My sonar analysis is suddenly started failing in all pipelines with Application branch with key ‘release_abc_m3_app:BRANCH:release_abc_m3’ doesn’t exist error

I checked authentication of the service accounts which we are using for analysing the code and everything seems to be fine… but still failing.
It’s only failing in master and release branches.
All private branches are passing and it have analysisId but failing master and release branches doen’t have analysisId

It’d be a greate help if somone can help me to find the root cause of this issue.

Hi @ryerrams123 ,

Did you rename a branch of an Application? If so, this is a known bug that has since been resolved in SonarQube 8.6, SONAR-12821 Fail to update an application branch name, so you should upgrade if you can.

Alternatively, if you can navigate to $SONARQUBE_HOSTNAME/dashboard?id=release_abc_m3_app without any issue (i.e. no UI error), then you can try removing/recompute/adding back the necessary branches.


Thank you @Joe . I tried accessing $SONARQUBE_HOSTNAME/dashboard?id=release_abc_m3_app URL, I’m getting Insufficient privileges error from UI. But, I’m able to see all the projects for $SONARQUBE_HOSTNAME/dashboard?id=release_abc_m3 URL. What it means here?

Hi @ryerrams123 ,

Can you open your browser’s dev console and check for console errors and the network/XHR call that triggers the insufficient privilege? If you are are not sure, can you post a screenshot of what you see? Please check your permissions in SonarQube as well.

Hello @Joe I recreated the application and my issue is resolved!

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