Sonarqube 8.9 to use

Good afternoon, I have a maven project that is hopseado in bibucket and I’m creating the pipeline in azuredevops and scanning with sonarqube but this is generating an error…
I installed sonarqube 8.9 and I need to scan my develop and staging branch but it’s not working, it only works when I do it on the master branch.
can you help me ?

Hey there.

It’s a good start to tell us what the error is! :smiley:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: (default-cli) on project raizen-energia-api-chatbot: Validation of project reactor failed:
[ERROR] o To use the property “” and analyze branches, Developer Edition or above is required. See Maintenance - SonarQube Documentation for more information.

Thank @Ronan_Felipe_de_Mesq

The error is pretty self-explanatory: triggering a branch analysis on a non-commercial edition of SonarQube will result in an error. If you’re running Community Edition, you’ll want to disable analyses on branches other than master.

Thanks for the help Colin, I thought he parsed as a branch in the Community Edition version too, plus vlwww …

Just incase someone comes looking for this.

We use SonarQube Community Edition 8.9 with Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2.
Im assuming the task installed in the recent/latest ADO agent has changed the behaviour of branches.
It had been working fine previously for over 12 months.

Our primary branch in ADO is called main, but for some reason it was recorded in SQ as master.
After an ADO update we were getting the following message:

ERROR: Validation of project reactor failed:
o To use the property “” and analyze branches, Developer Edition or above is required. See Branch Analysis | SonarQube Docs for more information

Because we are using community edition we dont have the branch and pull request menu
But you can rename it by going here:
https://sonarqube.server.url/project/branches?id=<your project name>

Hope this helps someone else.