Sonar Community Roundup, September 7 - September 13

Hey all,

There’s no debate about it, we’re better together! Welcome back from vacation @ganncamp, and welcome to the end of Summer. :sunny::cloud_with_rain:

We’re grateful every time you give us feedback, so like every week we want to spend some time acknowledging everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback to help us continuously improve.


  • After feedback from @EricB, we are going to reduce the vertical padding of issue filters which have increased significantly during the UI changes in the v10.x series of SonarQube. SONAR-23017

  • When more than one project is linked to the same GitLab project GET api/alm_integrations/search_gitlab_repos lists only one of them. Since we aren’t guarding against this in SonarQube, that’s confusing. We’ll look into it with SONAR-23035. Thanks @lfvjimisola!


  • It took a little while, but we finally tracked down the source of some API calls that are failing in the SonarCloud UI when browsing a branch/pull request (leading to annoying, and irrelevant UI popups). Thanks for the reports @Sourab_T, @petefitz, @khermanns, and @lrozenblyum! A fix is on the way.

  • @Justin_Loveless suggested that we allow users to set a base directory when running analyses in Azure Pipelines (specifically when multiple repos are checked out). We agree that makes sense and created SONARAZDO-404! Thanks!


  • When SonarLint is analyzing C/C++, the MSVC when predefines have trailing whitespaces. Thanks @Garrax for the report! CPP-5683

  • In SonarLint for IntelliJ, there is an error Cannot select issue in the tree when triggering actions on old issues. Thanks for the report @vodoc82730! SLI-1594

  • SonarLint for IntelliJ also reports an error when looking for a class that’s not strictly necessary (git4idea/repo/GitRepositoryManager). Good catch @Balfa. SLI-1591

Rule & Language Improvements:

  • Thanks to @efmigl who noticed an NPE when handling the target type resolution of the lambda () -> bean when it is provided as an argument to a generic and overloaded method of a class. We reported this issue to the maintainers of the ECJ parser we use to build our analyzer.

  • @Nischal reports that our Python analysis crashes when a coverage report can’t be found, rather than a warning being logged. Yikes! SONARPY-2120

  • In a few cases, java:S1105 falsely suggests the curly brace to be moved to the previous line. Thanks for the report @lbenedetto! SONARJAVA-5116

  • As @Corniel pointed out, there’s a pretty straightforward auto-fix for csharp:S2325 that hasn’t been implemented yet. It’s officially on our to-do list!

Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.

Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.

@Colin, @ganncamp and @leith.darawsheh

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