It would be very handy to specify the working directory, while the workaround works for sonar cloud it breaks other parts of our pipelines that rely on predictable paths.
Yes, this is a standard pattern in most tasks already to specify the workingDirectory in which to execute the task. It would be fantastic for the sonar task to align with that, then if would be very easy for us to include it within our build pipelines. Our workaround right now is to use a dedicated pipeline for sonar specifically but that reduces it’s overall visibility.
Thanks for the confirmation. I’m going to move this to the Product Manager for a Day category since the functionality doesn’t exist yet, and flag this for the proper eyeballs.
Hello @Justin_Loveless , this feature makes sense, I’ve created a ticket SONARAZDO-404 so we can tackle this in a later sprint, feel free to track the ticket or follow our GitHub release notes to get updates