Sonar Community Highlights, October 14 - October 20

Hello Sonar Community!

It’s another busy week in the Sonar Community.

As @ganncamp told you last week, there’s a tradition at Sonar where we change our Slack handles to something Halloween-related in October. I don’t usually hop on the bandwagon but there have been some good suggestions:

  • Colinfected
  • E-Colin
  • COL is coming from IN side the house

I’m not sold yet.

Onto the highlights! It’s been yet another busy week in the Sonar Community! Like every week we want to spend some time saying thanks to everyone who prompted interesting discussions and gave us feedback on Sonar products that will help us continuously improve.

Azure DevOps Extension Incident:

This week we released a new version of the Extension for Azure DevOps which created some issues for users like @Maxence_T, @Basit_Raza, @andreasfischer, @cba, @RagnarHal, and @godzkaya, @sbutler, @adam.aucamp, @marc0, @tedvanhaalen, @omerpinar and @Ebbelink. Thanks everybody for the reports and follow-ups. We’ve reverted the changes and we’re still tracking down some final cases.



  • We don’t like noisy warnings anymore than you do. It’s time to kill the noise for logs like Could not report issue with code highlighting, which users can’t do anything about. Thanks for leading us in that direction @mahmoud! SONARKT-365


Rule / Language Improvements:

Rule Suggestions:

Once more, we extend our thanks to everyone mentioned here - and those we may have missed - for their efforts in strengthening this community and enhancing our Sonar products.

Please leave your own recognitions below – whether for another community member or a SonarSourcer who assisted you this week. If there’s someone you think should be acknowledged in next week’s roundup, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Colin, Ann and Leith