Sonar automatic analysis stopped working

  • ALM used - GitHub
  • CI system used - we are using automatic analysis
  • Languages of the repository - TS
  • Error message Your analysis with ID "AXXXGNKanQFxHlK8i02R" has failed because it took too much time. Please try another CI tool to analyze your project. See troubleshooting documentation

Our project runs using automatic analysis and unfortunately it stopped working a few weeks back. We have the following error shown when we visit the sonar project page:

Your analysis with ID "AXXXGNKanQFxHlK8i02R" has failed because it took too much time. Please try another CI tool to analyze your project. See troubleshooting documentation

Unfortunately the troubleshoot page does not provide a lot of information, and i have no idea how to go any further.

any of these would help:

  • How can i retrigger the build manually? Since the error, no other builds seem to be running, i want to make sure it was not a one off incident
  • How can i see the logs for AXXXGNKanQFxHlK8i02R? I want to try to understand if it’s a legitimate problem with our project or SonarCloud bug.

No significant changes have been made to the project lately that would justify the sonar analysis going from less than 5 minutes to over 45 minutes, and the project has around 50k lines of code (JS React native app).

Any help would be very appreciated!

Best Regards,


Hello @PupoSDC,

there seems to be an issue in our parser, would it be possible to share the content of the file
src/test/__mocks__/mock-firestore.js ?

As a workaround you can exclude this file from the analysis, it should help the analysis to finish.

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Hello @saberduck,

this is the content within src/test/__mocks__/mock-firestore.js:

jest.mock('@react-native-firebase/firestore', () => () => ({
  collection: () => ({
    where: () => ({ get: jest.fn() }),
    get: jest.fn(),

How can we exclude that file or maybe even all files within src/test/__mocks__ from analysis? And after that how can we restart the analysis process?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards,


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for whatever reason automatic analysis is working again.

Best regards


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