Should I set anything in SonarQube to analyze against MISRA C++ 2023?


To repeat the subject :

Should I set anything in SonarQube to analyze against MISRA C++ 2023 ?

Hello @Oodini

MISRA C++2023 rules are not enabled by default.
They are for specific use and they are not in the default quality profile “Sonar way”.
As explained in SonarQube’s C++ help page, they are available either as opt-in or in a prepackaged quality profile called “Mission critical”.
And these are the 58 currently available MISRA C++2023 available included in that profile.

I hope it helps.


OK, thank you.
When do you expect to complete the implementation of all the rules (or most of them) ?

I am not able to answer this question at the moment.
Here you can find some more explanations.