Setting local ruleset for Sonarlint plugin on IntelliJ IDEA

I am using the Sonarlint plugin on IntelliJ IDEA for mac to work on a Java project.

I don’t have a SonarQube server, but I would like to exclude some rules and have a ruleset file, so every person who clones the project does not have to manually disable the rules. Is there a way of defining a ruleset file in the project, to be loaded by the plugin automatically?


Hi @don-charlie-pc

When not using connected mode, SonarLint rules can be configured in the IntelliJ settings. I have not tested, but I guess you should be able to use IntelliJ built-in features to share settings:

Is it good enough for you?

Thanks @Julien_HENRY, I’ll check if that works for my project. Do you know if there is any plan to support a local ruleset by the Sonarlint plugin?

Hello @don-charlie-pc, supporting ruleset sharing for local projects (not bound to a SonarQube/SonarCloud server) directly in SonarLint is not in our short term roadmap. On the other other, we are collecting user inputs and requests - and we are using them to review and re-adjust our priorities on a regular base; that means if in the future we see a lot of interest among community users for that functionality, it may gain more priority in our roadmap.