SCM-TFVC: Unable to annotate the project which TF400324

Hello, I am using SonarQube Community Edition Version 8.2 (build 32929)
TFS 2017 Version 1 (on prem)
with SonarQube TFVC Plugin 2.3 (sonar-scm-tfvc-plugin-2.3.0-73)

I have configured TFVC as at global level Administration > Configuration > SCM > TFVC with PersonalAccessToken (with sufficient rights) and CollectionURI

Within the ‘Prepare the SonarQube analysis’ Build step, I have added the following /d:sonar.scm.enabled=true /d:sonar.scm.provider=tfvc

However during the ‘Complete the SonarQube Analysis’ stage I get the following error…

SCM-TFVC: Unable to annotate the project which TF400324: Azure DevOps services are not available from server https:///tfs/DefaultCollection.

Hey Nigel,

You should reach out to the maintainer of the TFVC plugin at lg2de/sonar-scm-tfvc.

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thanks Colin, I will do that… thank you