SAML return_to not same as documented callback url

According to the docs, the SAML return url is /oauth2/callback/saml BUT when attempting SAML login the following is sent to my IDP : GET /sessions/init/saml?return_to=%2F HTTP/1.1

Shouldn’t the return_to url be the same as the documented one?

Hey @Garrey_Learmonth,

Could you elaborate more about this fragment, especially when this attempt happens in your case is it SQ or after you log in to your IDP? Is it call which SQ makes to your IDP?

when attempting SAML login the following is sent to my IDP : GET /sessions/init/saml?return_to=%2F HTTP/1.1

Generally speaking, when you land on a SQ login page and when you click login button of your chosen identity provider, indeed such call is requested. Furthermore the return_to param is a redirection to a user requested page (most of the time context root of SQ). Under this call SQ internally pulls SAML configuration and then do a redirect to your identity provider to handle authentication where acs should be that redirect_uri (/oauth2/callback/saml).