Ruleset names are unknown. Is this the expected experience?

SonarQube all connected and projects bound to quality profiles, have “updated” rulesets based on prompt in errors & warnings pane. But ruleset rule names all show as “unknown”.

edit: I’ve fixed the “one or more included rule sets could not be loaded” issue, was an incorrect relative path in an include which is no longer the case.

As I’m new to SonarQube, I don’t know if this is right or wrong? But I would hazard a guess that this ruleset view is very unhelpful.

I’ve downloaded the example ruleset xml from the Sonarcloud and none of them have names.

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If you are using connected mode then the standard VS ruleset view isn’t particularly useful as far as the SonarAnalyzer rules go. The expectation is that you’d configure the SonarC#/VB rules in the Quality Profile in SonarQube/Cloud, and SonarLint will then generate a ruleset from the Quality Profile so VS knows which SonarC#/VB rules to run.

What do you mean by “I’ve downloaded the example ruleset xml from the Sonarcloud” - you’ve bound the solution and opened the generated ruleset?

The generated ruleset should look something like this:

  <Rules AnalyzerId="SonarAnalyzer.CSharp" RuleNamespace="SonarAnalyzer.CSharp">
    <Rule Id="S100" Action="None" />
    <Rule Id="S1006" Action="Warning" />
    <Rule Id="S101" Action="Warning" />

It’s a standard VS ruleset file, and it isn’t expected to contain rule names or descriptions.

However, I would expect VS to correctly show the names of the rules in the IDE. I haven’t seen a case with the rule names displayed as “unknown” before.

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Apologies for the delay in my reply.

I am pleased to see that it works for you! My question is answered. Indeed, I would like the ruleset file editor to appear as it does for you. I am not experiencing the expected experience.

A long, long time ago when I was writing FxCop static code analysis rules, I can remember having to put the analyzer library into a special Visual Studio folder for them to be picked up in the ruleset editor. Regrettably I can’t remember anything in more detail, as it was a long time ago.

I guess I should be copying a SonarAnalyzer library into a Visual Studio folder somewhere? Or installing something? I haven’t installed anything special on my workstation to use the SonarSource suite, just Nuget packages.

Have you installed the SonarLint extension for Visual Studio? Or have you just added an XML ruleset file to your project? If you’ve just added a ruleset file then that would explain why Visual Studio can’t provide any more detail about the rules in the UI.

Roslyn analyzers work differently from FxCop analyzers. They can be packaged as either NuGet packages or in VSIXes (or both). The Microsoft docs explain the differences.

Our recommendation would be to install the SonarLint vsix. This will make the SonarC# and SonarVB.NET rules analyser rules available for every solution you open without you having to make any changes to individual MSBuild projects (note however that the analysis rules will only be run in the IDE; they won’t be run when you build from the command line).

That is a useful link, and useful advice. I will attempt to install the SonarLint extension, if I hadn’t already done so. I do note in my original article, that I appear to have this installed in my list of Visual Studio extensions:

SonarLint for Visual Studio
SonarLint is an extension to your favorite IDE that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues injected into their code.

Alas the one on the market place via your link says I am away for 2 weeks, I will attempt to upgrade it and report back my experience.

Thanks for your help.

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@t-l-k do you have any updates, did you solve your problem?