SonarLint Visual Studio Sync

We have a number of C# solutions that we are working on syncing with SonarLint.

I have noticed that when syncing connecting a project via sonarlint. The ruleset file in the .sonar folder is created with the project id with the casing matching how it appears in SonarQube. However the references to the ruleset file for each of the projects in the solution are in all lowercase.

This causes issues when running builds on our Linux machines since it can’t resolve the ruleset file.

IDE: Visual Studio 2019 (4.7.03190)
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
SonarLint: SonarLint for Visual Studio 2019 (

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a Project in SonarQube with an id like (AzureDevOps-Test-Project-123)
  2. Open Visual Studio and connect a project to the new project.
  3. The .sonarlint\ ruleset file will have a file name “AzureDevOps-Test-Project-123.ruleset” and the project ruleset will have an include that looks like the following

Stack Trace/Logs:

Thanks for reporting this @Russell_Miller. It’s being tracked by SLVS-1068.