Quality Gate question

We have community v7.5 (working on upgrading) on a server. We have a jenkins build pipeline that scans on every created/updated/merged Pull request. *note: we only have community version, so we do not have the Pull-request plugin. We are seeing scans fail on things that didn’t change in that PR, and quality gate failures of code duplication that doesn’t appear to be from that PR either.

My question is does gate quality gate calculate on absolute or a delta from the previous build?


Welcome to the community!

I’ll spare you the lecture about upgrading since you’ve already said you’re working on it. Just be aware that you want to get to at least 8.9.2.

This is mainly a question of what conditions are in your Quality Gate. Conditions on New Code will pass/fail based on all the code in your New Code period, not just one the most recent commit. (Unless there’s a problem with your New Code Period setting, which is possible.)


we use default sonar quality gate (minus coverage)


Okay, then. So the Quality Gate should be based on everything in the New Code Period. Does that help?
