Quality Gate passed when Coverage is <80% ? Why?

I have using 4.25.0 version of SornarQube. i have 2 different project with 0 bug, 0 Vulnerabilities,0 Hotsopts but my coverage is 0.0%. when i build my project on azuredevops one project’s Quality Gate is passed and another Quality gate are failed. why?

By default, the quality condition on coverage and duplication won’t apply if fewer than 20 lines were changed. Could that be the cause? This feature can be disabled in: Administration → Configuration → General Settings → General → Quality Gate.

Do you know if this is still present in current SonarCloud and how to disable it? I don’t see “Administration → Configuration”, in any “Quality Gate” I don’t see such option neither, but some of my PR are passing the gate, without matching the code coverage rule and breaking the main branch after merge.