I’m trying to get the PR decorator to post to the PR.
About two years ago one of the repos just stopped getting a sonarqube post on the PR and I’m trying to figure out why..
These are the keys I have in the sonar properties.
I also have it being run in GH actions:
name: SonarQube Scan
uses: SonarSource/sonarqube-scan-action@v5 # Ex: v4.1.0, See the latest version at Official SonarQube Scan · Actions · GitHub Marketplace · GitHub
Is it an issue with my sonarproperties? :-/
The odd part related to this is the other repos in the organization get the PR post, it’s just one repo that’s not..
I do also have this enabled in the DevOps Platform Integration tab.
Enable analysis summary under the GitHub Conversation tab
When enabled, a summary is displayed under the GitHub Conversation tab. Notifications may be sent by GitHub depending on your settings.
To be clear, when you say “post on the PR” you’re talking about PR decoration in GitHub?
If so, the answer is probably entirely unrelated to your analysis parameters.
I would start in your server logs. Specifically, start by checking your ce.log (compute engine log) for errors at the end of server-side processing of a PR from the project. If that’s clean, then the next step is to double-check the project binding.
Thank you for replying! I am referring to the PR decoration in GitHub! (I think.. I’m referring to the comment that the sonarqube app makes on PRs.
I did check my ce.log yesterday and did find an issue with not having the content:read permission and fixed that which fixed other issues where the status wasn’t posting on the PR. So that did work! But I’m wondering if I can get the comment to post.
I did also check the project binding, and that’s all good.