Publish Quality gate task fails with error [SQ] Task failed with status FAILED, Error message: Analyses suspended. Please set a valid license for the Edition you installed. in build definition of Azure DevOps 2019

I am new to sonarqube and using sonarqube developer edition of !4-day free trial.
We use Azure DevOps 2019 as ALM and to integrate sonareube with the bild definition we need to add three tasks

  1. Prepare analysis on sonarqube before build task.
  2. Run code analysis after build task.
  3. Publish Quality Gate Result

The first two tasks work fine but the third task fails always giving the error
[SQ] Task failed with status FAILED, Error message: Analyses suspended. Please set a valid license for the Edition you installed."

And the UI for SonarQube Also Shows analysis suspended.

I have also not received and license key after requesting for 14-day free trial


Welcome to the community!

The error message in your title is actually quite explicit:

Analyses suspended. Please set a valid license for the Edition you installed.

That means that you need to configure the trial license key you received in the SonarQube server.



Where do i find this trial license key can you please guide me in this.


You’ll need to request one.



I have requested but not yet got one.