Project does not exist

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 12.00.57 pm
I am consistently getting the Project not found error of the projects I have admin access.

Can someone tell me what is this error for and how to fix it?

Screenshot attached

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Hey @varunverma

Probably, it would be helpful if you opened up your browser’s Devtools and found the exact URL that is failing, and shared it here.

Hi, Colin!

We are also getting this error in our clients, but since they are customers, I cannot publicly provide the ID of the project.

I can confirm, as Uros states, the problem is in:

Giving us a 404 error:


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I"ll reach out by a private message.

Hey @varunverma and @mbastardo.excentia

We identified the root cause and should be deploying a fix soon (probably today)

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Hi @varunverma and @mbastardo.excentia,

The fix has been deployed.
Please let us know whether this has solved your problem.


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Hi, @bogdana

Thank you for your time and effort. I’ve checked and works mint!.
I’ll let you know if this happens again.



Yes not getting that issue anymore.



We have several project up-and-running with SonarCloud for sometime and suddenly about 3 a 4 weeks ago it stopped working with the error mentioned above: Project does not exist. We are running SonarCloud via a GitLab runner and receive the following error:

ERROR: Project not found. Please check the ‘sonar.projectKey’ and ‘sonar.organization’ properties, the ‘SONAR_TOKEN’ environment variable, or contact the project administrator to check the permissions of the user the token belongs to

And we have double checked the projectKey and organization. They are correct.

Hope to hear from you!


Hi @michielpeeters,

I think that’s a different issue, could you create a new topic for your issue?

Certainly! Will do.