Plug-in Compatibility Issue

Dear All,
I am using SonarQube Community Edition Version 8.3.1 (build 34397). I am planning to upgrade Community Edition Version 8.6. When I check the Plugin Version Matrix for 8.6 I notice there are lot of unsupported plugins (e.g. C# Code Quality and Security, CFamily Code Quality and Security, Python Code Quality and Security, SonarKotlin and SonarSwift etc.).
I confused therefore I may have a simple question but I need to clarify that. Does that mean I wouldn’t get scan result for c#, cFamily, Pyhton or Swift codes? Or what?
Thanks in advance


Starting with SonarQube 8.5, core functionalities of SonarQube (such as the standard languages analyzers) are no longer shipped as plugins, but are instead part of the main application.

You can find more details here: SonarQube v8.5 and Beyond: Where did all the plugins go?

So don’t fret, CFamily & co will keep working on 8.6 :slight_smile:

EDIT: Actually my last statement is true for plugins developed by SonarSource. As for community plugins, you’ll have to look into it.


Hi @muhyid,

Welcome to SonarSource community! :wave:

What @gvuspace said is correct: since SonarQube 8.5, all core plugins (including the language plugins) created by SonarSource are pre-packaged into SonarQube, so you won’t have to muck with them or update them. To update them, you will have to update SonarQube.

You will still get C#, cFamily, Python, Swift, etc. analysis automatically.

3rd party plugins not associated with SonarSource will still be located in the usual place ($SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/plugins/ folder) and still downloadable from the Marketplace section of your SonarQube UI.


Hi @Joe_Tingsanchali and @gvuspace Grégor
Thank you for your prompt response and I am sorry for delayed answer.
When I reviewed the installed plugins on our SonarQube instance I saw some plugins with that notice “Developed by SonarSource and Other Contributer
Does your explanation covers this type of the plugins too?


Plugin Version Developed By
SonarHTMLLANGUAGES - Code analyzer for HTML 3.2 (build 2082) SonarSource and Matthijs Galesloot
SonarJSLANGUAGES - Code Analyzer for JavaScript 6.2.1 (build 12157) SonarSource and Eriks Nukis
SonarPHPLANGUAGES - Code Analyzer for PHP SonarSource and Akram Ben Aissi
SonarPython - Code Analyzer for Python 2.9 (build 6410) SonarSource and Waleri Enns

Thanks for your support

Hi @Joe,

Yes, all those plugins are part of the main application now.

Yes, it does cover these plugins as well.

Thanks for excellent support

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Hi Joe,

Thanks for excellent support

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