Please provide another tag for sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli docker image


this is a feature request, or maybe a fix because it worked before new versioning scheme.
We are working with the sonar-cli docker image. Since you’ve added a new versioning scheme independent of the SonarScanner CLI there are only docker tags available for:

  • 10
  • 10.0

It would be great if you could add a tag for 10.0.2. We are updating the image internally with renovatebot and is just fiddly to deal with :slight_smile:

Best regards,


I would like to understand which problem you encounter from not having a tag with 3 digits.

What about relying only on the 10.0 tag to always get bug-fix updates?


Hey Alexandre,

sry for my late response.
The problem we encounter is that renovate wont update the 10.0 tag without adding a sha value to it. There was a new image version pushed 2 days ago to docker hub but renovate didnt recognize this. With a major.minor.patch tag this wouldnt be a problem.

Best regards!