Not all quality gate metrics are given via SonarQube API


we had configured a quality gate with 8 conditions in total (4 conditions for new code & 4 conditions for overall code).

But if we want to include the information in GitLab via SonarQube API call xxx/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey it only shows 7 metrics (I guess ‘new_security_hotspots_reviewed’ is missing.)

Is there a bug?

We are using Enterprise Edition v10.6 (92116).

Thanks for any hints.


Hey @Eva

What’s probably going on is that if you have 0 new security hotspots… it’s not possible to calculate what percentage of new security hotspots are reviewed, because you’d be dividing by zero.

I don’t disagree that it’s confusing, and I wonder what would make sense for you to appear in the API response for measures that aren’t calculated due to a situation like above.

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The metric ‘new_security_hotspots_reviewed’ is given in percentage of reviewed security hotspots on new code. I assumed that 100.0 % is the success rate if …
a) no security hotspot has to be reviewed
b) all pop-up security hotspots were reviewed


My assumption is:
If I configure 8 conditions, I want to get 8 measurements for those metrics (could be also 0 :wink: ) including the status OK or ERROR for the metric.

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Thanks Eva for bringing this to our notice. Will look into it.

Hi @Eva ,

Sorry to come back to this a bit late.

Did you add that new_security_hotspots_reviewed condition after the last project analysis?

The way api/qualitygates/project_status works is that it returns a “snapshot” of the quality gate evaluation when the project was last analyzed (OK, it’s actually slightly more complicated, but for the sake of this illustration let’s assume that’s how it works :slightly_smiling_face:). If you update your Quality Gate definition (e.g., add or remove conditions), this won’t be reflected in api/qualitygates/project_status unless the project is analyzed again.

On my side, when I:

  1. Create a Quality Gate just like the one you show in your screenshot, but omit the new_security_hotspots_reviewed condition.
  2. Assign it to a project and analyze it.
  3. Then update the Quality Gate and add the missing new_security_hotspots_reviewed condition, but don’t reanalyze the project.
  4. If I fetch the JSON payload again, I see the new condition is missing (as in your example).
        "projectStatus": {
            "status": "ERROR",
            "conditions": [
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_maintainability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_reliability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "3"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_security_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "metricKey": "security_hotspots_reviewed",
                    "comparator": "LT",
                    "errorThreshold": "100",
                    "actualValue": "0.0"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_maintainability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "3",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_reliability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "3",
                    "actualValue": "3"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_security_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
            "ignoredConditions": false,
            "period": {
                "mode": "PREVIOUS_VERSION",
                "date": "2023-09-26T15:36:04+0200"
            "caycStatus": "non-compliant"
  5. I reanalyze the project and fetch the JSON payload again, and now the missing condition is there.
        "projectStatus": {
            "status": "ERROR",
            "conditions": [
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "metricKey": "new_security_hotspots_reviewed",
                    "comparator": "LT",
                    "errorThreshold": "100",
                    "actualValue": "0.0"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_maintainability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_reliability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "3"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "new_software_quality_security_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "ERROR",
                    "metricKey": "security_hotspots_reviewed",
                    "comparator": "LT",
                    "errorThreshold": "100",
                    "actualValue": "0.0"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_maintainability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "3",
                    "actualValue": "1"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_reliability_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "3",
                    "actualValue": "3"
                    "status": "OK",
                    "metricKey": "software_quality_security_rating",
                    "comparator": "GT",
                    "errorThreshold": "1",
                    "actualValue": "1"
            "ignoredConditions": false,
            "period": {
                "mode": "PREVIOUS_VERSION",
                "date": "2023-09-26T15:36:04+0200"
            "caycStatus": "non-compliant"

Did the missing condition appear once your project was reanalyzed?

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