New sonar-scanner-cli using NodeJS 12.x

Looks like the latest sonar-scanner-cli container image that was pushed just a few hours ago is using NodeJS 12.x.
Tags: latest, 4, 4.8, 4.8.0


podman pull sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4
podman run --rm -it --entrypoint bash sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4
root@d0467f713d21:/usr/src# node -v

podman pull sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4.8
podman run --rm -it --entrypoint bash sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4.8
root@1f80d5be9719:/usr/src# node -v

The scanner of course does not support NodeJS 12.x anymore and we get the following error in our pipelines:

INFO: Quality profile for js: Sonar way
INFO: Quality profile for ts: Sonar way
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 57.273s
INFO: Final Memory: 21M/94M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
The version of node.js (12) you have used to run this analysis is deprecated and we stopped accepting it.
Please update to at least node.js 14. You can find more information here:

Please push new container images for those tags using a supported version of NodeJS.

Related issue on GitHub: Node version of latest sonar-scanner · Issue #171 · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-cli-docker · GitHub and potential fix PR:

And looks like there already is a community issue tracking this: Sonarsource/sonarcloud-github-action failing with Node.js 12 error. Thought the container images were very new and thought this was something else initially.

Same issue here on Jenkins (we pull the image on K8S). Newly pulled 4.8 image is using old version…

The fix has been merged SonarSource/sonar-scanner-cli-docker#176 and new container images have been pushed

podman run --rm -it --entrypoint bash sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli:4
root@50ccf1976e94:/usr/src# node -v

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