[NEW RELEASE] Sonar-Devon4j-Plugin 2020.04.001


version 2020.04.001 of the sonar-devon4j-plugin is now available.
See what’s new in this version under our Changelog. Compatibility stays the same from 7.9 to the latest SonarQube version.

Thanks and greetings

Hi Lmar,

Your SonarCloud Quality Gate is failing since the 24th. I can’t add this.


Hi Ann,

we opened an issue for this. Something seems weird with the SonarCloud report though, as it is marking the overall code coverage of the plugin as 0%, see this screenshot:

This is especially off as our plugin was first included in the marketplace at the end of January, which never would have happened if our code coverage was really at 0%.

Maybe I am just understanding the report the wrong way and the problem really lies with the code coverage of our plugin?

Thanks in advance and greetings

Hi Lmar,

You should probably check your build/analysis logs & make sure the coverage report is still being successfully generated & fed in to analysis.


Hi Ann,

the quality gate is green now after some Travis configurations. Will we still need to create another version with a new PR to the sonar-update-center-properties or can this version be added already?


Hi Lmar,

You’re saying that the QG is now passing on exactly the same code as what you released? The only difference is analysis configuration?


Exactly. There have only been changes in the pom.xml (new build profile for the generation of JaCoCo report & setting the next version) and in the travis.yml where we adjusted the script to use the profile.


Okay. Done.


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