[NEW RELEASE] Cobertura (1.8, 1.9, 1.9.1 and 2.0)

I’m not the autor of Cobertura Plugin, but I would like to let you know that the update center is outdated.

New versions:

It would be great if you could update the update center :slight_smile:


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Hi Adam,

I appreciate your intent and effort. Setting aside the question of whether such a request is valid from a non-owner, I don’t see this project on SonarCloud, and a green QG is a requirement. Perhaps you could nudge the owner to pursue this?


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Hi Ann :slight_smile:

I created an issue in the plugin tracking system (see: #21). I’ll let you know when it will be solved.


Hi all,

Sorry for the delay of the answer. I’ve few interogations related to the plugin.

1 - I tried to do an analysis locally, using sonarsource as server (-Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io) and I have this error message:
You're only authorized to execute a local (preview) SonarQube analysis without pushing the results to the SonarQube server. Please contact your SonarQube administrator.. How do I solve that?

2 - Related to the licence (https://github.com/galexandre/sonar-cobertura/blob/6.7-refractor/LICENCE) of the plugin, who should be the owner of it, Sonarsource or myself?



Hi Geoffrey,

Have you signed up on SonarCloud? Once you do, there’s a tutorial that will walk you through your first analysis.

This is a great question. I’m pursuing it internally, but it make take a while. Is getting an answer blocking anything for you?


Hi Ann,

Yes I did, I tried to generate a new token and use it and the result is the same.

This is not blocking me at the moment. I can wait.




Can you share your analysis command (obviously after obscuring the credentials)?


Hi Ann,

Please find the command below:

mvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.organization=xxx -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io -Dsonar.login=xxx





Can you specify where/how you need to specify or update the “owner of the license”? SonarSource retains its copyright to the lines and files it contributed to the plugin, and you own the copyright to your lines and files.


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Hi Geoffrey, you get the error because the project already exists on SonarCloud under the “Open Source” organization:


I’ve just deleted so you should now be able to push analyses for this project inside your own organization.



Thank you for deteling the project and all the information related to the license.
Please find the sonar report here: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=org.sonarsource.parent%3Asonar-cobertura-plugin

Related to the license, this is at these lines where I need to specify the owner: https://github.com/galexandre/sonar-cobertura/blob/0846f534a418ec3871147c0e3f2aad1561d9747c/LICENCE#L635



Hi Geoffrey,

Regarding the license, I guess the overall copyright is co-owned, so you should add yourself in both places in whatever order you choose. Also, I doubt SonarSource has contributed to the plugin in 2018, so it would probably be appropriate to roll back the SonarSource copyright year to when you took over the plugin (whenever that was).

Regarding your SonarQube analysis, thanks for pointing me to it. Since you just started analyzing yesterday, it’s impossible for me to even guess what the Quality Gate status was for any of those previous versions. Nonetheless, since the quality is excellent now I could probably stretch to putting 2.0 in the Marketplace if you were to ask me.


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Hi Ann,

Thank you for the answers. I’ll have a look on the licence soon.
Related to the plugins, if you can please add the 2.0 version it woul be great. I’ll do the analysis of the previous version and update this post when it will be done.




I’ve added 2.0.0 to the Marketplace.

There’s not a lot of point in trying to scan the other versions; the Marketplace starts at SQ 6.7. Since Cobertura 2.0.0 brings compatibility with 6.7, no previous version would show up in the Marketplace anyway.


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Hi Anna,

Great news! Okay I’ll not do an analysis of the other versions.
Thank you very much for your assistance.

