[NEW RELEASE] Ansible Plugin 2.5.0


I have released a new version of the SonarQube plugin to analyze Ansible playbooks with ansible-lint 3.5+:

Can you update the market place, please?


Your PR looks okay, but I’m seeing a failing Quality Gate in SonarCloud…


Yes indeed, my bad, I was too happy to release… I’ll fix that in the coming days. Sorry about that.

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@ganncamp The project was scanned again few days ago. I didn’t change anything and now it passes the quality gate. Does this mean that you can release it? By chance, if you can, can we make it valid also for SQ 9.1, please?


I’ve had some time to come back and look at this, and I guess I understand what happened:


So this is done.


Thanks a lot


Could you please check and let us know Is this plugin v2.5.0 compatible with Sonar v9.2 ?

Is there any new version to be released for Sonar v9.2?


I can’t remember if I tested it on SQ 9.2 but there is no reason why it would not be compatible. However, be aware that you must install version 1.7.0 of the YAML plugin on SQ 9.2.

Version 2.5.1 released for official support of SQ 9.2