New database tables created after server migration from 8.9.2 to 8.9.10

I’m running SonarQube Developer Edition version 8.9.2 on a Windows Server, where the database is stored in a local MSSQL 2017 instance.
Now I needed to migrate to a new server, so I copied the database to the new MSSQL instance on the new server and installed SonarQube Developer Edition 8.9.10 (since it’s only a patch update compared to 8.9.2).

SonarQube is starting up, connecting to the database successful and also it seems the migration in the database worked:
INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executed DB migrations: success | time=7812ms

But after logging in into the SonarQube dashboard, the local admin user was reset to default password and also all my projects did not appear there. So I had a look into the database itself using MSSQL Server Management Studio:
On the old server (running SonarQube 8.9.2) the tables are named like db_datareader.*.

On the new server (running SonarQube 8.9.10) these tables exist as well, since the same database was taken over, but additional many table were created and names dbo.*.

So it seems after migration, the new server created new tables and ignores the old ones, where all my data and history is stored.

Did I miss something during the migration? Are both version 8.9.2 and 8.9.10 not compatible together in a direct upgrade path?

Hey there.

You can indeed upgrade from 8.9.2 to 8.9.10 (and then you should upgrade to 9.9.8 and 2025.1 LTA if you want to be using a supported version!)

It’s probably as simple as the default schema for the user you’re now using to connect to the new database isn’t the one that you copied over.

Read more about schemas and user-schema seperation here