I’m running SonarQube Developer Edition version 8.9.2 on a Windows Server, where the database is stored in a local MSSQL 2017 instance.
Now I needed to migrate to a new server, so I copied the database to the new MSSQL instance on the new server and installed SonarQube Developer Edition 8.9.10 (since it’s only a patch update compared to 8.9.2).
SonarQube is starting up, connecting to the database successful and also it seems the migration in the database worked:
INFO web[][DbMigrations] Executed DB migrations: success | time=7812ms
But after logging in into the SonarQube dashboard, the local admin user was reset to default password and also all my projects did not appear there. So I had a look into the database itself using MSSQL Server Management Studio:
On the old server (running SonarQube 8.9.2) the tables are named like db_datareader.*
On the new server (running SonarQube 8.9.10) these tables exist as well, since the same database was taken over, but additional many table were created and names dbo.*
So it seems after migration, the new server created new tables and ignores the old ones, where all my data and history is stored.
Did I miss something during the migration? Are both version 8.9.2 and 8.9.10 not compatible together in a direct upgrade path?