MySQL Deprecation - Postgres Migration

I have seen that the MySQL Support will be removed in one of the next SonarQube Releases.

I also found out, that at least for the “Enterprise” Edition a Migration Script (to transfer Data from MySQL to e.g. Postgres) is available.

Is this script also available for the developer (or maybe even the free) Edition?

Hi Christoph,

The use of MySQL is not recommended for big instances, and is not even supported for the Data Center Edition. But, at this time, the future of MySQL for the other instances is not written.

Regarding migration, I guess you’re talking about the DB Copy tool. As mentioned in the doc, the tool is only available for the Enterprise Edition.


Hi @Chris ,

I asked the question because I found the following line within the SonarQube Logs when starting it up (Free Edition, SonarQube 7.4):

2018.12.17 07:25:19 WARN  ce[][o.s.d.DatabaseChecker] MySQL support is deprecated and will be dropped soon.