Migration from MYSQL to postgres

Good morning,

We are having problems related with the migration from mysql to postgres.
Could you please recommend any tool for migration(we are not allowed to use db copy tool), since the ones we have used do not manage to migrate the entire 13 GB of our MYSQL database.

Thank you very much.


Yup, our recommended tool is our home-made mysql-migrator.

Thank you Pierre, but unfortunately that migrator is only available for SonarQube version 6.7LTS to 7.8, and we want to migrate from 7.3 mysql to 7.9.4 postgres.

Hi @Alvaro

the tool is available to migrate from SQ 6.7-7.8 to SQ 7.9 as MySQL support has been dropped in 7.9 SQ, so it should work for you :slightly_smiling_face:


So just to be extra clear, we encourage you to:

    1. Migrate to Postgres by staying on your current SQ version, 7.3
    1. Upgrade SQ to 7.9