Multi-tennant and


I am looking for a way to have a sort of “multi-tennant” sonarqube instance, so that we can offer that as a paid service to our customers. The service needs to support connecting to multiple Github accounts, so that we can also offer PR decoration.

Currently we are using SOnarQube CE 8.3, dotnet-scanner 5.0.4.

What edition of sonarqube would support this kind of setup?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
Pascal Herms

Hi Pascal,

What you’re looking for is Enterprise Edition($$). It is in that edition that you can connect to multiple instances of a given ALM. However, that won’t give you the kind of granularity of admin permissions that you probably want.


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Hi Ann,

Thank you for your reply.
I find the documentation a bit vague, but if I read the ALM integration chapter in the documents, the developer edition allows me one configuration per ALM, while the enterprise edition allows multiple configurations per ALM. What is the difference in this case?

Kind regards,

Hi Pascal,

Uhm… Given the preamble, I don’t understand the question. The difference is how many GitHub (e.g.) instances/organizations you can connect to.


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I think I understand.
Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,

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