" ltsVersion should be defined " error

**SonarQube Server -10.8.1, SonarScanner-6.2.1 & Tibco Bw6 plugin - 1.0.0 with mssql
SonarQube deployed: zip
Upgraded SonarQube to 9.9.8 & to 10.8.1 and seeing some start up errors, besides Service came up & running fine & Analysis passing



2025.01.17 11:19:04 INFO web[o.s.s.p.p.PlatformLevelStartup] Running Developer Edition
2025.01.17 11:19:04 INFO web[o.s.s.p.Platform] Web Server is operational
2025.01.17 11:20:23 ERROR web[AZR1R3x/KJq2z8X9AAAP][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion should be defined
2025.01.17 11:20:23 ERROR web[AZR1R3x/KJq2z8X9AAAM][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion should be defined
2025.01.17 11:20:23 ERROR web[AZR1R3x/KJq2z8X9AAAP][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion seems wrong as it is not listed in SonarQube versions
2025.01.17 11:20:23 ERROR web[AZR1R3x/KJq2z8X9AAAM][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion seems wrong as it is not listed in SonarQube versions

2025.01.17 12:28:00 INFO web[o.s.s.p.p.PlatformLevelStartup] Running Developer Edition
2025.01.17 12:28:00 INFO web[o.s.s.p.Platform] Web Server is operational
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion should be defined
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltsVersion seems wrong as it is not listed in SonarQube versions
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltaVersion should be defined
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] pastLtaVersion should be defined
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltaVersion seems wrong as it is not listed in SonarQube versions
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.s.w.WebServiceEngine] Fail to process request http://lrluddevop4.ar.entergy.com/sonarqube/api/system/upgrades
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find previous release in releases

2025.01.17 12:28:04 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process[ce] is up
2025.01.17 12:28:04 INFO app[o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is operational

**can you please let us know if any additional configuration needs to be added/modified? **
if the error is because of the proxy disable - please let us know the sites that needs to be whitelisted.


Hey there.

Are you sure you’re using v10.8.1? I know that SONAR-23954 was an issue in v10.8.0, but I was pretty sure it got fixed up!

I can’t reproduce the issue on my own v10.8.1 instance.

Hi Colin,
Yes, we upgraded to V-10.8.1. ( Version v10.8.1 (101195)[ACTIVE]
Below are the differences in Web.log file with Enabling & Disabling Proxy.

With Proxy Enabled - Dont see the Lta version error.
2025.01.17 17:10:08 ERROR web[973547a0-0bf5-4fe8-bd73-477108a2e1b4][o.s.s.p.UpdateCenterClient] Fail to connect to update center
org.sonar.api.utils.SonarException: Fail to download: https://downloads.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/update/update-center.properties
at org.sonar.core.util.DefaultHttpDownloader.failToDownload(DefaultHttpDownloader.java:153)

Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to authenticate with proxy

Without Proxy:
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.u.c.UpdateCenterDeserializer] ltaVersion seems wrong as it is not listed in SonarQube versions
2025.01.17 12:28:17 ERROR web[d867c350-289b-49b6-9ba5-f0afda9152ab][o.s.s.w.WebServiceEngine] Fail to process request http://lrluddevop4.ar.entergy.com/sonarqube/api/system/upgrades
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find previous release in releases

Our organization has a new proxy system in place where we need to whitelist the URLs. Because of this, we need to disable the proxy settings from the “sonar.properties” file.

Based on the differences that I see between enabling and disabling proxy, I suspect we need to whitelist certain SonarQube - Upgrade center URL’s.

Please let us know the URLs that we need to enable/whitelist for the communication.

Please let us know your thoughts.


Hey @Srini1

Looking at your logs, it seems that your SonarQube instance might be connecting to the update center just fine without the proxy (there’s no Fail to download error, it seems the only error is about processing the response).

You could test this by running a simple curl -i https://downloads.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/update/update-center.properties.

With all of that said, if you want to test adding certain URLs to an allow list, then you can find the list of URLs here.

Hi Colin,
Thank you for the info.
Working with Firewall Team to whitelist the Upgrade center URL’s.

Curl Response
curl -i https://downloads.sonarsource.com/sonarqube/update/update-center.properties
HTTP/2 302
location: http://int-captive.prod.local:6080/php/browser_challenge.php?vsys=1&rule=139&token=RBG6rrvAhm5EpEPnBWf-p7tJsQE=&url=https://downloads.sonarsource.com%2Fsonarqube%2Fupdate%2Fupdate-center.properties
content-length: 0
pragma: no-cache
cache-control: no-cache

Will update you here, once I test it after whitelisting.
